Many countries caught unprepared and threatened over the effect of coronavirus or COVID-19 to our everyday lives. How to retract from this pandemic is still unknown unless vaccines are out to protect us all.
In this restless times, how can we help and support one another that no would be left behind? Businesses can play a central role to help vulnerable groups in a community ease the adverse effects of COVID-19. Sharing what you can offer gives some beneficial effect to your business as well as to the community.

Benefits of Giving Back to the Community
Great Exposure for Business
Giving back to the community is a great way to promote your business and good exposure to your products and services. Also, a better publicity than spending paid ads where charitable institutions recognize donors by thanking them in newspapers, websites, social media, and other platforms.
Supporting a charity organization by sponsoring an event is a free advertisement for the business and potential customers like patronizing businesses that reach out to help others in need.
Sponsoring a charitable event is also great for networking. Aside from gaining customers, you also get to meet other business people and develop a partnership with complementary businesses.

Increase Your Value as a Business
When a community knows that you’re with them in difficult times, it adds value to your business. Being aware of what is going around, re-evaluating what new value your business can give, and empathizing with them even in a subtle way goes extra mile.
Your customers might not ready or not what to buy something from you in the meantime. But when they bounce back in the market, they might remember businesses that showed understanding and humanity when it was needed. Look at it as an investment for future potential gains, where in fact a little public relations (PR) expense at your end.
One of the example of these is the Crackerjacks Virtual Assistant (CJVA) company’ previous charity events/outreach programs for those families affected by COVID-19 in the office’s community.

Ways to Give Back to the Community
Giving back doesn’t have to be all money but devoting your time and energy to help others in the community would suffice the feeling of people’s financial insecurities and health uncertainties. These are other ways how a business, small or large, gives back to the community in trying time of a pandemic (COVID-19).
Donate your time and resources
Make adjustments particularly to high-risk groups
Support essential workers with their needs
Lend your products/services or people to other organizations
Partner with other businesses to create a new venture
Support and buy from local businesses, especially micro and small ones, for them to survive and thrive
Share your skills and knowledge from home to those who got out of work due to pandemic
Provide hard-hit clients with professional referrals and business coaching
Help employees feel secured to their jobs by remaining an employer
Giving back by what you can do for your clients and employees is also giving back to the community. Every small good deed we do to others as a business will be remembered to last for a lifetime.
For more information about what we do to help your business, let’s get in touch or visit us in our website at
