Philippines’ remote workers are widely known as hardworking and patient people. Filipino workers are seen everywhere in the world as nurses, teachers, care givers, office workers, singers, dancers, hotel attendants, cashiers and others. They are reliable and talented employees. That’s why many foreign small business owners preferred hiring Filipinos in their operational needs.
Why pay for a whooping thousands of dollars for the virtual assistant (VA) ocally if you can pay just a few more dollars hiring an outsourced Philippines’ virtual assistants? These are the 5 amazing perks of hiring a Filipino virtual assistant.
1. Less Language Barrier. Almost 98% of the Filipinos can speak English than any nationals in the globe. English language is a required lesson in the country’s curriculum starting from pre-school to tertiary. Hiring outsourced in the Philippines who speaks fluently in English is never an issue.

2. High Literacy Rate. Philippines is highly educated population. According to United Nations Projections on Literacy, adult literacy in the country is about 98.18% in 2015. It is one of the most literate citizens in South-East Asian Region in particular and Asia as a whole. Some potential employees are either trained in TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Training Authority) or got some years in colleges and universities. Education is one of the important things to possess on securing a job in the country.
3. More Experienced Workers. While most of the workforce are matured individuals, we can expect more experienced and skilled virtual assistants. Majority of the key cities have business processes outsourcing (BPO) economic zones like Metro Manila, Cebu City, and Davao City. Some skilled workers are inclined to talk and communicate with a foreigner boss. The country is rich in talents with BPO-related work experience that fits foreign owned companies.
4. Flexible Working Hours. With adequate negotiation and open communication, Philippine workers are amenable to different time-zones because large part of the workforce came from BPO as mentioned above.
5. Competitive Rates than Foreign Counterparts. Charging a cheaper rate is usual for Filipino virtual assistants offshore compared to remote workers in United States, Europe, India, and elsewhere. It is because of lower cost of living in the Philippines. That’s why most of the workers can save enough money for their basic needs, bills, and extra expenses. Philippines’ virtual assistant are not hesitant to charge lower than ordinary pay abroad. If you want to hire one, set a salary range at par in the Philippine market.
Consult with us if you’re considering on how and why you should hire a VA for your business according to your budget. It is indeed “more fun in the Philippines” as they say. It is really fun hiring happy but productive Philippines’ virtual assistants.
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